Energy Optimisation and Sustainability Services

At Vivid Edge, we offer a comprehensive range of energy optimisation and sustainability solutions designed to help businesses reduce costs, improve energy efficiency, and achieve their long-term environmental goals. From preliminary assessments to full-scale project management, our expert team provides tailored services that enable you to make smarter energy decisions, enhance operational resilience, and stay ahead in today’s competitive, sustainability-focused landscape.
Explore our services below to discover how we can help you transform your energy strategy and drive sustainable business growth.

Services We Provide

1. Preliminary Assessments

Preliminary assessments are essential for identifying initial opportunities and laying the groundwork for more detailed analyses and projects. Vivid Edge preliminary assessments can provide clients with a reasonable foundation for understanding their current energy usage and identifying immediate opportunities for improvement. This step is crucial for setting the stage for more in-depth analyses and long-term energy management strategies.

  • Initial Site Visits: Conducting site visits to gather basic information about energy systems and identify potential areas for improvement.
  • Baseline Energy Consumption Analysis: Establishing a baseline for current energy use to measure future improvements.
  • Opportunity Identification: Highlighting immediate and short-term opportunities for energy savings and efficiency improvements.
  • Feasibility Studies: Conducting initial feasibility studies for potential energy projects, including renewable energy installations and efficiency upgrades.
  • Preliminary Cost-Benefit Analysis: Providing an initial estimate of costs, savings, and return on investment for proposed projects.
  • Client Needs Assessment: Understanding the client’s goals, budget, and constraints to tailor further services effectively.

2. Energy Audits

  • Basic Audit: An evaluation of a building or facility’s energy consumption with the goal of identifying opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs
  • Targeted Audits: Focus on specific areas such as HVAC systems, lighting, or industrial processes.
  • Comprehensive Energy Audits (Investment Grade Audit): Detailed assessment of energy usage across all areas of an organisation or facility.
  • Compliance Audit: Energy Audit to meet the requirements of large industry energy audits under the requirements of the SI426 Energy Audit Scheme and the further requirements of the European Energy Efficiency Directive Article 8 requirements.

3. Utility Bill Analysis

  • Bill Verification: Checking bills for accuracy by verifying rates, usage, and charges.
  • Rate Optimisation: Analysing current rates and tariffs to ensure clients are on the most cost-effective plan.
  • Usage Patterns Analysis: Identifying peak usage times and seasonal variations to recommend strategies for cost reduction.
  • Billing Error Detection: Spotting and rectifying errors in utility bills that can lead to unnecessary charges.
  • Historical Data Review: Examining past utility bills to track usage trends and pinpoint areas for potential savings.
  • Demand Charge Management: Assessing and managing demand charges to reduce peak load costs.

4. Energy Management

  • Energy Consumption Monitoring: Regular monitoring and reporting of energy usage to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Energy Management Plans: Development and implementation of strategies to optimise energy use.

5. Energy Efficiency Improvements

  • Recommendations for Efficiency Improvements: Identifying and suggesting upgrades to equipment, systems, and processes.
  • Implementation Support: Assistance with the installation and integration of energy-efficient technologies.

6. Renewable Energy Solutions

  • Feasibility Studies: Assessment of the viability of incorporating renewable energy sources like solar, wind, biomass or geothermal.
  • Design and Implementation: Planning and overseeing the installation of renewable energy systems.

7. Sustainability Consulting

  • Sustainability Strategy Development: Creating long-term plans for reducing environmental impact.
  • Sustainability Reporting: Preparing reports on sustainability metrics and performance.

8. Regulatory Compliance

  • Compliance Audits: Ensuring adherence to local, regional, and national energy regulations. E.g. SI426 compliance energy audits for large enterprises that
    • employ 250 or more people OR
    • have an annual turnover exceeding €50 million and an annual balance sheet total exceeding €43 million.
  • Documentation and Reporting: Assisting with the necessary documentation and reporting for regulatory bodies.

9. Cost Savings Analysis

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluating the financial impact of proposed energy projects and improvements.
  • Return on Investment (ROI) Calculations: Providing projections on the payback period and long-term savings

10. Training and Education

  • Staff Training Programs: Educating employees on energy-saving practices and the importance of energy management.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Hosting events to spread awareness about energy efficiency and sustainability.

11. Technology Integration

  • Smart Building Solutions: Implementing smart technologies for better energy management and automation.
  • Data Analytics: Using data analysis tools to optimise energy usage and predict future trends.

12. Project Management

  • Project Planning and Coordination: Overseeing energy-related projects from inception to completion.
  • Vendor Management: Liaising with suppliers and contractors to ensure project success.

13. Funding and Incentives

  • Grant and Incentive Identification: Helping clients find and apply for financial incentives and grants for energy projects.
  • Financing Solutions: Assisting with securing funding or financing for energy improvements.

14. Energy Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

  • Life Cycle Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation of the environmental impacts of an energy source or system.
  • Impact Categories: Evaluating various environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, energy consumption, and waste generation.
  • Comparative Analysis: Comparing the life cycle impacts of different energy sources (e.g., fossil fuels vs. renewable energy).
  • Process Optimisation: Identifying opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts at each stage of the life cycle.
  • Sustainability Benchmarking: Comparing the environmental performance of different energy technologies or processes.
  • Decision Support: Providing detailed reports to support sustainable decision-making and policy development.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and standards through detailed LCA documentation.

Contact Vivid Edge today. We are here to help with all your financing requirements.

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